IBM Spectrum Control (TPC) and STOR2RRD coexistence

STOR2RRD can coexists with IBM Spectrum Control by monitoring same SVC/Storwize storage under one condition.
Booth tools must use the same sample rate as both use the same data collection.

STOR2RRD default sample rate is 5 minutes, TPC uses 1 minute.

Only the solution seems to be switch TPC to 5 minutes.

Note that not all storage are affected by that.
Especially big SVC clusters (4 - 8 nodes) do not work in STOR2RRD when TPC uses 1 minute sample rate.

You migh see every 5 minutes these errors in /home/stor2rrd/stor2rrd/logs/error.log-<storage name>
WARNING - Command output: CMMVC6023E The system is currently busy performing another request. Try again later.
WARNING - Wait 5s and Retry ssh -q -o ConnectTimeout=80 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey -o SendEnv=no  stor2rrd@ svctask cpdumps -prefix /dumps/iostats/Nn_stats_78CMZM0_180823_102051 4

scp: /dumps/iostats/Nm_stats_XXXXXXX-2_190801_174345: No such file or directory
scp: /dumps/iostats/Nn_stats_XXXXXXX-2_190801_174345: No such file or directory
Here you can find out actual sample rate frequency on the storage, it must report 5 minutes!
grep Frequency  tmp/<storage name>-conf-last.txt
	Performance Statistic Frequency: 5
TPC change
Navigate to this screen and change sample rate to 5 minutes:

TPC sample rate change